Become a Business or Education Partner

Membership to the Business or Educational Partnerships programmes offers the opportunity to connect with, and show support for the most skilled Art Department crew working in the UK film and TV industry.

Business Partners

BFDG Business partners are not just sponsors of the Guild. They are our partners, and we are a Guild for them just as much as our individual members. Business partners include Art Department suppliers, studios, graphics companies and many more.

Education Affiliates

Our Affiliates programme is for training providers that provide Film and TV courses in a wider sense, that would benefit from access to specialist Production Design and Art Department knowledge.

Education Partners

BFDG Education Partners are training establishments that offer Production Design or draughting courses, at any level, that are deemed to be the best in the industry. This programme gives students access to student membership and opportunities for graduates to promote their work to the BFDG membership to help gain employment in the industry.

Membership Levels & Costs

Memberships are billed on an annual basis. All fees are shown ex. VAT.

Fees for 2024-2025 are:

Business Partners


Education Partners


Education Affiliates


Application Process

All applications for Business and Education Partner memberships will be discussed at the monthly Core Committee meeting.


Submit Application

Complete the application form making sure you add your company profile, contact and billing information and details of someone from the BFDG Membership who can endorse your application.


Application Review

Application reviewed by the BFDG Core Committee at the monthly meeting.



Notification of successful applications with details of next steps.


Applications are processed monthly. The deadline for application review is the 28th of each month, if you miss the deadline your application will be considered the following month.

Eligibility – Business Partnerships

  • Applicants must have an endorsement from a BFDG member
  • Applicants must have some connection to the UK Art Department or more widely, the TV & Film Industry

Eligibility – Education Partnerships

  • Applicants must have an endorsement from a BFDG member
  • Applicants for the Partner programme must provide a training course in Production Design or related subject
  • Applicants for the Affiliate programme must prove that they offer a course in Film &/or TV Production and are interested in learning more about and supporting the promotion of working in or with the Art Department
  • Applicants must be providing training within the UK

Become a Business or Education Partner


“The BFDG is of significant value in it’s support of education. As a Production Designer and University Senior Lecturer, it is a great privilege to be part of the British Film Designers Guild as an educational partner. The guild recognises how important education is for nurturing and supporting new talent and offers great talks and further training opportunities to enrich the student journey, with the further added bonus of allowing applications for membership to students on their last year of study from not just Nottingham Trent University, but all creative courses that can feed into the industry.”

Duncan Howell
Production Designer and Lecturer NTU

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